As you know, I have spent these past couple weeks furiously trying to finish my animation called "To Be Another" With some adjustments and alot of all nighters, my animation will be showing at the Michigan Theater at 5pm. Here is the YouTube video of my animation for the people who will be unable to come to showing today.
To Be Another Animation-My story comes from an old historical masks call Tal' Chum masks. They were made in Korea during the 12th century and during the Koryo Dynasty. They were originally made in a town call Ha-hoe village, where legends say that they were created by a man who was ordered by the gods to make.
-These masks were used to create the first plays during those times. Being in a state of corruption rule and poor economy, these masks were often used to create plays with music about their life or about the society issues.
-The word Tal means to free oneself. and with this idea, they often played rolls of characters that they were not in society and relieved their stress through the play by playing fun at the government or making fun of a certain type of person.
12 masks in total
2 masks will be presented with a preview of the third.
this will be just the start of the animation style i would like to pursue.
My inspiration from another artist named Charles - this is the artist that has inspired me to use these masks to portray a status in the crime world.
The aristocrat will portray the mafia boss.
The fool will portray as the street gangster trying to make a living.
Hope you enjoy it. it took me a full month of no sleep to finish this because I lost myself in the beginning of this semester and regained the confidence by the help of professors and gsi's who pushed me to really end strong.
Thank you.