Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ellen: First Stages of Project

The idea of my IP project is to create a set of building blocks for children to learn how to garden and cook while reusing the packaging (the blocks). Food will come prepackaged in separate blocks with a set recipe, and after cooking the blocks can be reused to grow a garden-inside or outside. I started out by creating standard block shapes, to see how i can play around with them/organize them in a way for packaging.

 Yesterday I decided to step outside the confines of making standard geometric shapes, and instead let loose and explore. I began painting on large pieces of paper (4x6), while i let the paint trip and colors merge. My task was to find shapes within organic forms (ocean life). I think that the packaging should be quirky--which will be more appealing as a product. 

 After painting I wanted to have more control over what I was creating, so I transferred parts of the paintings into photoshop as I began collaging images in order to seek out organic shapes. I think this was successful but overall it helped to get what was on my mind out on paper. I may do another series tomorrow, but my ultimate plan is to start making some of these shapes.


  1. Ellen, I like the idea of repurposing the packaging so it finds more than 1 use. You may find value in the following link:

    35+ Unique & Interesting Product Packaging Designs
